NHCRWA 8-5-24 Meeting Information
The NHCRWA Board of Directors will meet in regular session, open to the public, on Monday, August 5, 2024, at 6pm at the Authority’s Office
Project 23 Community Engagement Meeting 08-01-24
The North Harris County Regional Water Authority (The Authority) will [...]
NHCRWA 7-11-24 Special Meeting Information
The NHCRWA Board will meet in special session, open to the public, on Monday, July 8, 2024, at 6pm at the Authority’s Office.
NHCRWA 7-1-24 Meeting Information
The NHCRWA Board will meet in regular session, open to the public, on Monday, July 1, 2024, at 6pm at the Authority’s Office.
NHCRWA 6-3-24 Meeting Information
The NHCRWA Board will meet in regular session, open to the public, on Monday, June 3, 2024, at 6pm at the Authority’s Office.
NHCRWA 5-6-2024 Meeting Information
The NHCRWA Board will meet in regular session, open to the public, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 6pm at the Authority’s Office.