The North Harris County Regional Water Authority (The Authority) will host a Community Engagement Meeting for an upcoming waterline project, known as “Project 23.” The purpose of this meeting is to share project information with residents and answer questions.

The Authority is under a governmental mandate to convert the portion of Harris County, within our boundaries, from groundwater to primarily surface water. As part of the conversion plan (referred to as a Groundwater Reduction Plan – GRP) submitted to the Harris Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD), Project 23 is a key component of the Authority’s GRP to achieve the mandated conversion.

After conducting a preliminary engineering study, the proposed alignment for Project 23 was determined to be most feasible as shown on the attached map. This alignment selection considered several factors such as minimizing the impact on structures, total number of easements required, most cost-effective route to deliver surface water to the different public water providers, and the ability to maintain the proposed water line in the future. Community engagement and communication is an important component of Project 23, and we invite your participation.

The Community Engagement Meeting will be held on:

6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Clifford M. Dunn Elementary – Cafeteria
2003 W.W. Thorne Drive, Houston, TX 77073-3301

This meeting will not be available by zoom.

The meeting will begin with a brief presentation to share project information and updates, followed by a moderated Q&A session with the Authority’s team members. Residents will be able to submit questions and comments during and after the meeting.

We hope you can attend the Community Engagement Meeting. Information will be available after the meeting on this website at

Project 23 Community Engagement Meeting Notice – 08-01-2024

Community Engagement Meeting Project 23 Map

project 23 exhibit A