Securing a long-term, reliable supply of wholesale drinking water while keeping the cost of water as low as possible for as long as possible.

On June 18, 1999, the bill (HB 2965) that created the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) was signed into law, and called for a special election to be held on January 15, 2000 so voters could confirm the creation of the new Authority and elect Directors to lead it.

Following the election, NHCRWA became the single entity empowered to negotiate for a secure, long-term, reliable, quality supply of wholesale drinking water for all the independent neighborhoods, municipal utility districts, small municipalities, and permitted well owners within its boundaries.

NHCRWA’s primary assignment is to develop and implement a strategy for complying with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District’s (HGSD) Regulatory Plan that requires a conversion from groundwater to alternate water via a:

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30% reduction of groundwater usage by 2010
60% reduction of groundwater usage by 2025
80% reduction of groundwater usage by 2035

Since the Authority is not a taxing entity, funding for our future water supply and the infrastructure through which to deliver it is being accomplished through the sale of revenue bonds, and paid for by revenue from groundwater pumpage fees and water sales.

In compliance with mandates issued by the HGSD, NHCRWA has:

  • Completed its Groundwater Reduction Plan (GRP) certification
  • Successfully negotiated a long-term water supply contract with the City of Houston
  • Designed and constructed the transmission and distribution infrastructure to deliver surface water by 2010
  • Achieved the 30% groundwater reduction goal mandated by HGSD by 2010
  • 143 MUDS have entered into an agreement to participate in the authorities GRP

Click here to learn more about NHCRWA

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Did You Know?

If you are covered under the Authority’s Groundwater Reduction Plan, you will pay the fee below:

If the Authority was not created, all Utility Districts in Harris-Galveston Subsidence District Regulatory (HGSD) Area 3, if they are not in compliance, may be subject to the disincentive fee below:


Groundwater $2.60 /1000 gallons
Surface Water $3.05/1,000 gallons


$11.86 /1000 gallons

Surface Water Conversion

NHCRWA delivered approximately 29.1 MGD of treated alternative water in May 2024

April 2024 Conversion

Approximate population within NHCRWA boundaries
Municipal Utility Districts participating in the groundwater reduction program
Miles of new waterlines installed in 2010 conversion
Miles of new waterlines constructed for 2025 mandate
Pump stations. Rendl Regional Pump Station (FKA SH249 R.P.S) is now under construction

NHCRWA is required to comply with the HGSD groundwater reduction to 60% surface water by 2025, and 80% by 2035.

Concrete placement ahead of Tunnel operation ( Project 25C)

To date NHCRWA has:

  • Designed, purchased easements for and constructed over 79 miles of new waterlines to comply with 2010 mandate
  • Constructed Louetta Road Pump Station
  • Constructed Schindewolf Regional Pump Station
  • Partnered with the City of Houston and other regional water authorities to acquire, treat and deliver an additional 113 MGD of treated surface water (NHCRWA’s share)
    • The Luce Bayou Interbasin Transfer Project
    • Northeast Water Purification Plant Expansion Project
    • Northeast Transmission Line Project
  • Constructed over 155 miles of additional waterlines for the 2025 mandate
  • Constructed the Rendl Regional Pump Station
  • NHCRWA has converted and is delivering approximately 30 million gallons per day (MGD) of surface water to 57 districts